Sunday, March 19, 2017

Uh oh... #2

Hey guys!

Here we go again with some uh oh's... So since I spent this whole week at my state competition for drama I didn't spend a lot of time working on this but I did get to communicate with the people who I want to use for my documentary and I have some juice!

I have decided that my documentary for sure will be a political one. This is very broad so I will go into detail right... now.

By a political documentary I mean one that deals with current political issues, especially the ones the United States is dealing with right now. I don't want to create much controversy on it I just want people to see both sides of the situation. At the beginning of this year in my media studies class our teacher shoved us out of our comfort zone by throwing at us a project in which we had to select a controversial topic and through a website we had to present both sides with no bias at all. I chose the topic of abortion which was why I struggled so much to complete this project. I ended up doing very well on the project but the whole week and a half before turning it in I was full of anxiety and overthinking; which is sort of what is happening to me right now. - this is the link to the website I created if you're interested.

Well, back to what my documentary will be about, I want to focus the documentary on the issues the current political controversies occurring in this country are bringing into families. By this I mean showing both the liberal and the conservative side of 2 or more members of a family (for now it's only 2 members) and how this created, creates, and will continue to create discussions and disagreements in between family members.

This is my idea which for now I think it has a good shape although I'm still thinking about how exactly I want this to look and when I can shoot it and when I can get real camera footage... We'll see how this goes.

For now, we'll talk later!

Mariette xx

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