Saturday, March 11, 2017


Hey again!

       We are officially on board the "let's get to work" train! This week our media studies class met at our school's media center which was renovated during the summer of 2016. The media center has new computers, projectors, chairs, tables, outlets everywhere among other things.

       We each utilized our laptops to project our blogs and some of our inspirations, whether they were videos, images, GIFs, etc. As we talked about our projects, inspirations, and blogs our classmates would listen and then any ideas they had to help our project out they'd put on the table. This was very helpful due to the fact that not everyone thinks the same way and sometimes one, as a creator, may block some ideas off because they would be very hard or impossible to produce but the idea of this was for my classmates to help me figure out ways to produce things I thought I wasn't going to be able to.

      As I was talking about my idea, it being a documentary about people in families who have opposite political views, I received input on what point of view I should shoot it from, the amount of people I should interview, including footage of real events, etc. This was very helpful for it gave my idea a lot more shape than it had before.

    The most significant input I received was to include a person of authority in my documentary. I began to think more and more about this and decided that this person had to be someone as "unbiased" about the topic as possible. I came to the conclusion that a school counselor or a psychologist/psychiatrist or therapist could help me out. Maybe this person isn't exactly unbiased but they would just include their side on how these different views affect the family or the relationships between whatever two people I am interviewing? Maybe... Still not very sure what kind of input this person of authority would bring but I am aware that it is very necessary.

This is about to get way more bumpy than I had advised...

Hold on tight!

Mariette xx

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